Release of the 2011 VolAg Report

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We invite you to view the recently released 2011 VolAg Report (PDF, 7.7MB) and to learn more about PVO Registration.

Partnerships are a central component of USAID’s business model for international development. By increasing reach and effectiveness, partnerships enable USAID to meet its strategic development objectives.

Such partnerships include Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) as key partners in USAID programs. In the past year U.S. PVOs have received $18.7 billion in support from U.S. citizens and private sources, over six times the $3.1 billion from USAID. Through partnerships with PVOs, USAID have also leveraged significant non-financial resources to achieve high-impact development. From HIV/AIDS education, to micro-lending, and agricultural practices that mitigate climate change, PVOs play a critical role in USAID’s community-level development work.

One of the first steps USAID takes to build partnerships with Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) is with PVO Registration. Registration has allowed PVOs like the Global Team for Local Initiatives (GTLI) to scale community initiatives by participating in USAID’s Development Grants Program. Because GTLI works in a very remote area of Ethiopia, aid was distributed to a community that had been deemed beyond reach, too remote, and extremely reluctant to adopt modern wells and sanitation practices. But with USAID resources, GTLI was able to bring culturally appropriate development projects such as modern wells and sanitation practices. This new partnership was fostered by the PVO Registration process and has led to combined success for both GTLI and USAID.

There are a number of PVOs like GTLI working closely with USAID to further scale development objectives abroad. In fact, the public can review participating PVOs with the”Report of Voluntary Agencies Engaged in Overseas Relief and Development” (VolAg Report, PDF).

Released by the Private and Voluntary Cooperation Division (PVC) in the Office of Development Partners (ODP), the VolAg Report provides a snapshot of the work from both U.S. and registered international PVOs. The annual report is an effort to collect, validate, and disseminate a clear, factual report about the Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs), Cooperative Development Organizations (CDOs), and International PVOs (IPVOs) registered with USAID.

We invite you to view the recently released 2011 VolAg Report (PDF, 7.7MB) and to learn more about PVO Registration.

Release of the 2011 VolAg Report
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