Historically, objective journalism has demonstrated itself to be an invaluable element for social progress and transparency, and with journalists at the intersection of progressive social change, their role is ever the more vital for advocacy and civic engagement.
Done right, extraordinary things happen – stories become viral, minds and hearts are changed, people donate, they create awareness campaigns, they march -- and they vote.
Partnerships are a central component of USAID’s business model for international development. By increasing reach and effectiveness, partnerships enable USAID to meet its strategic development objectives.
Local CSOs in Guinea partner to introduce new police reform program to complement security sector reform initiatives led by the European Union and the United Nations.
Like the formal economic sector, the informal sector contributes significantly to economies. This is especially true in developing countries where the official Gross National Income (GNI) metric contributes to 40%.
Regardless of the corrupt use of civil society by a few individuals or debased policies, civil society is recognized as an indispensable and integral partner to democracy.
Yemeni youth are reshaping governance and community support through impactful leadership, establishing key initiatives like media centers and youth councils to enhance local advocacy and organization.